Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte Resigns After Government Collapse

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte Resigns After Government Collapse

Political Upheaval in the Netherlands

Rutte's Long Tenure Comes to an End

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has announced his intention to step down as leader of his party and leave politics altogether. This decision comes after months of turmoil within his government, culminating in its collapse on Friday due to a bitter dispute over migration policy.

Rutte, who has served as Prime Minister for nearly 14 years, has been a prominent figure in Dutch politics. Known for his pragmatic and often controversial approach, he has both supporters and detractors who see him as either a strong leader or a polarizing force.

The recent government collapse has plunged the Netherlands into political uncertainty. With no clear successor in sight, it remains to be seen who will lead the country through this turbulent period.

Rutte's legacy is likely to be debated for years to come. Some will remember him as a successful leader who navigated the country through challenging times, while others will criticize his handling of issues such as migration and the economy.

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